Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our first day in Ohio!

We got to Ohio on Thursday July 26th and could not move into our new place until the next day so we decided to start our adventure and head to Cleveland and then check out Kirtland. Well we went to Cleveland and I honestly hate being anywhere downtown especially in a city I have never been too so like the pregnant woman that I am I was freaking out while Sam was driving us around downtown because there were all these cars just driving CRAZY!! It was probably just me thinking that they were going crazy but I think that Sam had to honk at like 500 cars while we were there. Anyways, I really wanted to get out of the car because we have been in the car for like hours since we did JUST get there, but Sam couldn't find a spot  and it was getting late. We headed toward Kirtland and found the Temple and all these historical places and spots. I actually took pictures so prepare yourself to be AMAZED!

 The Kirtland Ashery 

Newel K. Whitney Store 

Kirtland Temple. 


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