Monday, July 29, 2013

Unexpected Birthday Bash!

Yesterday, I turned 22 I know i'm like SUPER OLD and we were going around at church inviting people to come over for some FABULOUS Tres Leches cake. Our friends the Mars were also going around inviting people over for dinner and they were inviting the same people over so Jeancarlo Hale one of our friends was like "let's all get together at the Mars and have a PARTAYY!!! So, we kind of intruded the Mars little dinner thing and invited like 2 more families!! haha I'm glad they were open with having everyone over!

We all had a lot of fun getting to know the new people in our ward. We got like 4 new families in our ward and they are all young and FABULOUS!! haha sorry if I say fabulous too much it's like my new word right now! Sam just told me that he should have taken more pictures. He only took pictures when we were about to eat cake! 

Here are the pictchas! 

The guy in the blue his name is Tony and he turned 26 and we share the same birthday! and I turned 22 hence the 226 on the cake!

Yummy Tres Leches cake that Sam made!

Cute Alaina and I!

This birthday was probably one of the best ones yet! Thanks to my family and friends! 

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