Sunday, May 6, 2012


So, I forgot to put this wonderful picture up! When we found out that we were pregnant I didn't believe it at all when the doctor told us I made her go get the pregnancy test out of the trashcan and show it to me! I seriously just couldn't believe it anyways there's our proof! (: 

Here I am I now  I look gross but everyone has been wanting to see a picture of "my belly" haha yea there is nothing there yet except a small belly  of fat!  I am 14 weeks in this picture.

I am back in school thanks to my wonderful parents I am on the Fall/Winter track at school and well I wanted to take some classes in the Spring but we didn't have that kind of money and so the plan was to just go to school in the Fall and our grants would pay for it. Anyways my parents decided to pay for my tuition this semester so that I can get my Associates before the baby is born! And Sam is also going to graduate in July so the plan is set.

I am taking a baby clothing sewing class and this is what I am making everything is in blue because we are hoping for boy but if it is a girl we will be more than happy to have a girl. Anyways here is my beautiful sleeper. 

These are my cute little booties that I absolutely LOVE!! <3 

Yesterday 5/512 Sam came up to me with Beano and said don't you think he needs a scarf? I was like hahaha Yes he sure does. What Beano is wearing here is Sam's shirt! I think he just needs a bandanna! 

One night Sam put his shirt on Beano and this is what he looked like! He couldn't do anything every time he would walk the shirt would be over his feet and would make it complicated for him to walk! Poor Beano!

I was going to the store one day and Beano just bolted out the door and just waited for me to open the door for him. I find it funny that he sits like a good little dog  on the seat so I took a picture of him! The sun was shinning really bright on him and this is what came out! haha 

A few weeks ago Sam's mom and sister came to visit and we took them to Big Juds this wonderful burger joint that I fell in LOVE with! Lauren (Sam's Sister) and Sam split that big ol' 1 lb burger on the left! haha It's HUGE!

Lauren with the burger!

Sam with the burger!

Sam is doing 2 internships this semester and is working really hard! He is also looking for a job hopefully he can find one so we can get out of Rexburg! (: 

That is all for now! <3

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