Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It has been so busy these past couple of weeks between moving and then trying to get our gas turned on so we can shower with HOT water. We moved in the 27th of July and didn't realize that we didn't have hot water until that night and when we called the next day they were closed!! What the HECK!! Seriously I think that gas companies should be open at least on Saturday for HALF of a day! I mean it doesn't hurt to get a few extra hours right?!? Anyways so Sam and I showered in FREEZING cold water the next couple of days! On Monday when I called the gas company they couldn't make it that day I was very upset I WANTED HOT WATER!! Anyways, I had gone all weekend without it just one more day wouldn't hurt right?!?! WRONG! We went over to a friends house and showered at their place. Thank goodness we know people around here. 

Another thing to complain about was my washer was NOT working! UGH! Everything was just not going very smoothly! We were also running out of clothes and since everything was still packed it was complicated we were living out of our suitcases! LAME!

I also forgot to mention on Saturday the 28th MY BIRTHDAY BTW (: We didn't have a door knob to lock from the outside so someone had to be home at all times so no one would come and rob us! We had talked to landlord and he told us that the maintenance guy would be at the house at noon! We waited and waited and waited! He DIDN'T COME!!! We had all these plans to go out and tour around Cleveland and Kirtland throughout the day and then go out to dinner for my birthday! He didn't get here until like 6:30! We finally had a key to our home and a door knob that locked! He also was suppose to work on the leak in our 2nd room but since we had been waiting for so long he told us he would come back Monday!(that's another story that I don't want to tell because it makes me mad)

Anyways, other than all of these issues I am actually starting to like Ohio, it is so pretty and green. 

Sam is liking his job which is good and he already started doing some over time! 

I am going to the doctors tomorrow as in August 8th.. kind of nervous I hate that Sam can't come with me anymore! 

I am going to Dallas on Saturday and I seriously can't wait. 

I have no pictures for this blog but the next time I do blog there will be pictures!! (: 

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