Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend.

This weekend we decided to go to Virginia and visit Kristy and her family. I have never been there and have been wanting to go for the longest time because it is something new and different. Anyways we left Friday night like around 9:30pm and got to Kristy's at around 3ish in the morning. We went to sleep  and woke up and literally had about 3 hours of sleep but its okay we were going out that morning to Washington D.C. which I was so excited about because I really wanted to see my favorite president Abraham Lincoln. EEK! So yea we headed to D.C at around 11:30ish and walked for a few hours and this is what we saw..

Martin Luther King Memorial!

 Washington Monument

Can you believe that I walked up all those stairs?!?! Yea well my favorite president is up there! (: 



White House.

Sunday Sam and I decided to go to the Washington D.C. Temple. It was seriously wonderful. 

I also took a picture of Baron because he just looked so adorable in his church clothes. 

Then we just relaxed and ate some wonderful pulled pork sandwiches and then played some games! Monday came by too fast we had to leave and drive 6 hours back home. We will definitely be taking another trip out when our baby is born which by the way is getting really close and scary!! That discussion is for another blog though! (:

I also forgot to mention that my husband is so funny when he is tired! 
He almost poured milk in the baking powder.
He also was going to put salt in the refrigerator.
He is so silly!!


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