Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Being in Ohio is pretty...


We went to church on Sunday the 11th of August for the first time in Ohio it was wonderful actually everyone already knew our names and were just seriously the nicest ever!! I went to Relief Society and I sat next to the nicest sister ever she was like do you want a free lamp? I was like YES! haha I actually said that would be wonderful thank you! So first Sunday we get offered a free lamp! I am so glad that we were welcomed with open arms in this ward!

Last Sunday we went over to the Bishops house and had dinner and had the most delicious dinner ever. We really enjoyed being at their house and being with their family! 

Oh and now the Relief Society is throwing me a baby shower! How freaking sweet is that?!? I am loving every minute here. 

I also wanted to let everyone know that the weather in Ohio is beautiful! 

Everyone drives crazy in Ohio as well so that makes me a little irritated!

I also need to take pictures of our apartment sorry I have not done that! s

The other day I went to Babies R Us and I parked here.. haha 

Oh and Beano is adjusting just fine in a new state. I have a lot of pictures of Beano so be prepared to just love every minute of it! 

P.S. He really didn't lick the ice cream but I caught him almost getting some! (: 

 I make the bed and he just gets himself in there somehow.

I am so glad he such a funny dog!

One day I had just got home from the store and he just sat on the grass and watched me take in groceries although it would have been wonderful if he could help. 

 He is just too precious when he sleeps!

One day he just was sitting there waiting for Sam to get home! He is such a loyal dog!


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