Monday, April 8, 2013

The "Crying it out" Method

About a month ago Alaina was getting difficult to put to bed. She just would not want to go to sleep at her usual time. We had just got back from Dallas so my thought was maybe she just hasn't adjusted very well but then when I would try to put her down she would cry her eyes out and once I would pick her up she would be the happiest baby in the world! I was like are you serious? She knows what she is doing! Sam couldn't take it any longer so we started letting her cry for MAX 15 to 20 minutes! It was torture for me to hear I hated hearing her cry and I thought if she's not out in 20 minutes I'd go get her and just go back to what I am used to. 

For the next couple of days she was just terrible I couldn't take it anymore and I had asked family for some advice and they told me to just let her cry it out and to not give in! I was like okay I am going to do it tonight! That was like 3 weeks ago by the way! Anyways, it was a Thursday night and Sam decided to go play basketball so I was left alone at home about to try this new method! So, around 7 I decided to start getting her ready for bed this was before I had a routine set for her. I just nursed her and laid her in her crib! She screamed and screamed for the longest time! I would go check on her every 10 minutes to tell her that she was okay and then left! She cried for almost 2 hours until she finally fell asleep! I went in her room to check on her and she was asleep! That cute girl! 

The next day we did the same thing it only took 1hr and 30 minutes! WHAT?!? PROGRESS!! Each day it got easier! We also started a new bed time routine and it has been working ever since! I only wake up a couple times at night! Sometimes just once and it also takes about 10-15 minutes for her to fall asleep! 

So, for those mothers out there that are scared to try this method out don't be it doesn't hurt your baby at all, it just teaches them to fall asleep on their own! Of course Alaina was 4 1/2 months and I wouldn't recommend this for children younger than 4 months from what I read! (:

Thought I would let my fellow blog readers that I have personally done this and it was hard but I stuck through and now I have a beautiful sleeping baby! <3


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