Monday, April 8, 2013

Alaina 5 Months!

Alaina is 5 months now! Where has the time gone? It's true that they grow up so fast! Love that little girl she just makes our life way better!! I can't even picture our life without her. 

We have had this wonderful sleeping routine going on since we have been back from Dallas which was about a month ago. We feed her around 6:45 which she loves every bit of her rice cereal. I need to start putting in some fruit because I am pretty sure she would love that too. Anyways, after she eats Sam gives her a bath and she just loves bath time. I have to post a video of her just moving from side to side getting the water everywhere and on everyone! Then after her bath I take her into her room put some lotion on her and get her dressed then I nurse her until she falls asleep then I put her in her crib and she is down for the night around 7:45! That's right! I get her down before 8! Sam and I love having her down early because then we can watch movies, clean up after dinner, or just relax for a few hours before bed!

Alaina has been such a fun and easy baby it just makes me want to have another one! haha
NOT YET though don't get too excited! Although Sam and I do make some beautiful babies!

These are pictures from yesterday during conference! She had her eyes on the TV for the longest time until Sam got close and she turned around and was happy to see him!

On Friday Alaina and I went to go have lunch with Daddy downtown!

Turning to watch TV haha

It has been sunny lately and Beano has loved every bit of it! He loves laying in the sun!


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