Thursday, April 25, 2013

Update/ Cute baby pictures!

Sam and I have been doing well here in Ohio! We have almost been here for a year! Isn't that crazy?!?! I can't wait until the weather is pretty EVERY DAY! I am so tired of it going back and forth with the cold and warm. Alaina is eating solids now and just loves every little bit of it! She's funny! She rolls over and can almost roll back over to her stomach, she is literally so close to doing it and she's only 5 months well almost 6! I think we got a BRILLIANT child on our hands! Lately, we have been looking for a home to buy so that means that we are STAYING for a long time! I do miss Utah and Rexburg a bit. Sam and I also just started doing P90X for those that don't know what that is, it's an intense workout program that is literally KILLING us! We are dying but we are going to have HOT BODS by the end of July hopefully! haha That's our motivation! Beano is doing great he just sleeps all day like usual. I wish he had a backyard for him to run around in. That is one of our necessities when we buy a home. Anyways, that's all what's going on right now!

One day the lighting in our house was perfect and so I took a bunch load of pictures of her and she was way cute!(like ALWAYS) I also think that I have gotten the hang of this precious camera! Check them out! 

Beano sure does love this child!

She has definitely learned to love him too. 

Sweet baby eyes!

 Happy girl this past Sunday! Oh and my hair looks FABULOUS! haha 


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