Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Alaina 6 months!

Alaina is 6 months today! I have a feeling that this girl is going to be a handful when she gets a older! She just doesn't sit still for 1 minute! She is a wiggle monster! Anyways, she's been teething lately so I am waking up a little more than I am used to. Oh well I don't remember how it feels to get teeth in but it has to be bothering her. She's overall happy! She hates being alone in the living room while I am in the kitchen so I have to be constantly singing to her so that she knows that I am there! Her favorite songs are "If your happy and you  know it" and "The wheels on the bus" She smiles every time I sing that it instantly makes her smile when we sing it!

A while back Sam had gone to store and he came back with Baby MUM MUM at that time she was a bit too young to try them but now that she's wanting everything in her mouth we decided to give it a try a couple of days ago and she LOVES them! I was a little scared to give them to her because I didn't know if she'd know how to eat them but she has definitely mastered them! She gets really excited when she sees her food!

Lately, Alaina has been licking her lips like she's hungry. She also has been rolling over from her tummy to her back she almost has the rolling back over to her tummy down but not quite yet it's so close. She gets super excited when daddy get's home. She grabs everything in her sight even if something is super far away she attempts to get it anyways. She thinks Beano is funny when he comes into the room. Loves being on daddy's shoulder. When she has her feet in her face she MUST put them in her mouth. I think that's it for now! I'll keep updating as I remember other things! (:

I took her 6 month pictures like literally 45 minutes ago and I love them! 




  1. OH MY GOODNESS! That one that is your favorite is mine too. She is so gorgeous. Miss that sweet baby girl!

  2. gosh so is beautiful! i love her eye!
