Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Memorial Day weekend!

Memorial Day weekend we took a road trip to Virginia to visit Sam's sister Kristy and her sweet family!! Friday night we hit the road Jack! It takes 6 wonderful hours to get there and they are the closest family that we have over here on the East Coast! Alaina was wonderful because it was around her bed time so she slept the whole time!

We arrived at midnight! We were so tired but so happy to be there. Kristy had made her wonderful chocolate chip cookies! Oh her cookies are so delicious! She gave us the recipe and they didn't taste like hers!! I mean they were good but not as good as hers! Anyways, we went to bed after we brought all of our stuff into our room and ate a few cookies. 

Saturday morning Alaina woke up way early like earlier than usual! She ended up sleeping with us in bed and she was just the cutest! After I fed her breakfast Kristy took her while Sam and I slept for an hour. 

We woke up and Kristy made a yummy late breakfast! Waffles, bacon, and eggs!! Seriously wonderful! 

Later that day we went to the mall. I have been wanting to get some bermuda shorts and Sam wanted to get some sunglasses! We both got what we wanted! (:
I also tried looking for a cute summer hat for Alaina but we just couldn't find one anywhere that would fit!

Cute girl with her sunglasses!

 Sam and the boys built this marble madness tower!

Alaina loved being in this high chair!

Kristy got a babysitter for Saturday night! This was the first time I have ever left Alaina with ANYONE!! I was super nervous but I got through it! We all went out to dinner at this wonderful place called Firebirds. I had a super yummy burger and sweet potato fries! I am still craving those fries!! Then we went to the grocery store and got some candy and blasted the music on our way home in the car like we were GANGSTAS!! haha

 Sunday, we went to church and came home to play a LONG game of Skip bo. 

 We grilled hamburgers, chicken, and hot dogs for dinner!  Everything was so good! 
Alaina loved this horse. 

Monday before we left we went to Cafe Rio and had lunch. 
We loved hanging out with family it was so sad to leave everyone.

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