Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was a wonderful day. Sam woke up with Alaina and took care of her while I slept. He also fed her some oatmeal and made homemade pancakes! I seriously have the BEST husband ever because I didn't do anything. Earlier that week we had ordered new iPhones it was long overdue. We desperately needed new phones we still had the iPhone 3GS yea I know tell me about it! We finally upgraded to the next best thing the iPhone 4 what what?!?! haha So I took that as my mother's day gift I really didn't know what I wanted but I was so happy with my new phone!

Since it was Sunday we got ready for church and left. Easy pezzy! haha It usually takes us an extra 30 minutes to get out the door!

After church we took a 2 hour nap then Sam got up to make dinner! He made Chicken Cordon Bleu and it was delicious!! Again I am so lucky to have my husband!! Did I mention I didn't even change a diaper?!?! It's not that I wouldn't I just was never around to do it.

While daddy was making dinner Alaina and I took pictures on my phone! 

 She was talking so that's why her face looks a little weird. She still is cute though!.

 Sweetest husband EVER!! He even set the table. <3

I sure felt appreciated. Great first Mother's Day!

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