Thursday, August 15, 2013

Alaina 9 months Already?!?!

Alaina turned 9 months on the 7th of this month and I can't believe she's  already that old! I love this stage though I can play with her and tell her some things and she will understand!

  • When I sing "If your happy and you know it" She sings with me and claps her little hands.
  •  She shakes her head "No"  
  • She climbs on EVERYTHING! 
  • She is very ticklish
  • She is very active I can never get her to sit still
  • Her smile just makes everyone smile really
  • She sleeps through the night (which is great for me)
Tomorrow I go to the doctor so we will know her weight and height then I'll post that tomorrow! 

I love my baby she is probably the most cutest most prettiest most smart most everything really haha. She has grown up so fast! I don't want her to be 1 yet! I try to hold her in my arms like I did when she was a baby and she won't let me she throws her arms and tries to stand up! She is such a good sleeper usually she takes like 3 naps the first 2 are usually 2 hours and the last one is either from 45 minutes to an hour. When she wakes up she jumps for joy!

Here are some pictures that I have on my phone!

She is wearing a skirt that I made (with a friend) on her head. 


This is her trying to climb over daddy!

 Ready for the park! 

Again destroying EVERYTHING!

Although he doesn't like her jumping on him  I think deep inside he really loves her! 

Sweet girl!

Happy baby!


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