Thursday, August 15, 2013

Family Day at the Browns Stadium!

About 2 weeks ago we saw a commercial on TV about family night at the Cleveland Brown Stadium. They were going to have bouncy things, fireworks and all this cool stuff. We invited like a few friends and only one of them came which was okay because we had a lot of fun! They have an adorable cute little boy and Alaina always smiles at him!  It was such a beautiful day the sun was out and it was a little windy but PERFECT! 

I love eating at games so we got some yummy nachos! Alaina was not as bad as I thought she was going to be sometimes I just underestimate her! I really should give her a chance when we go to fun places like this haha 

Anyways, here are our pictures we were going to bring our fancy camera but we totally forgot so we have our iPhone pictures! 


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