Thursday, October 3, 2013

Alaina's asleep so Sam and I party or just make cookies!

As I was getting ready to work out Sam mentions OH! I have to make cookies tomorrow for someone's birthday! I'm like what?!?! He told me at 8:35. It takes about 35-40 minutes to get through my work out! As I do my work out Sam is sitting behind me on his iPad just watching this new show he has recently started watching called S.H.I.E.L.D.S. I'm like don't you need to go make cookies he's like yes but keeps looking at his screen like I didn't say a thing! It goes through one ear OUT THE OTHER!

35 Minutes later!!

I am done with my work out and he's like will you help me make cookies! I'm like sure, this was at 9:35! And the pictures begin!! 

Pandora ON!
Aprons ON!
Camera OUT

We started off with some Bruno Mars

Beano was laying on MY blanket!

Famous Snow Chocolate Chip cookies!


Ended up with some Eminem 
Let me remind you that my husband is pretty awesome for partying it up with me at almost 10 at night! (:


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