Hello all, I have been so bad at blogging lately. A lot has happened this summer and I haven't been able to keep up.
Who crosses their feet when they swing? I think it's the cutest! |
Where has the time gone? My not so baby girl has become a independent sweet grown up girl. I can't believe it! She has grown more this past week then ever! I feel like she has grown out of all her clothes and her hair has been a little more crazy than it usually is. I need to clean her room! Anyone want to help?!? I'm seriously taking volunteers because she has a lot of clothes and I am going to go through all these emotions I will quit before I actually get started. Does anyone else feel sad when they put away clothes their babies don't fit in? Or am I weird? haha don't answer that! :)
This face makes me happy! |
This girl is a MAJOR jabberbox! She will tell you stories! She is talking like full sentences!!!! I've got to record this girl when she prays like it's literally the most adorable thing EVER! We have been sort of NOT REALLY potty training her. She tells us when she needs to go poopy but she hates getting on the toilet I don't know what I am going to do with her. She's pretty verbal when she needs to use the bathroom but getting her on that toilet is the hard thing. She will also tell you that she went poopy that day when you walk through the door but she really didn't. It's really funny actually. haha Lots of favorite words include: "barney barney" "callu" "pad pad"(iPad) "uubles" (bubbles) "shawiing" (swing) "shlide" (slide) "play" "toys" "daddy boom boom" (it's from a book okay) "brush" (which means brush hair or teeth) "ook" (book) "huk" (hug) "wav woo" (love you) "caseat" (car seat) and she says the cutest "uh huh" when I ask her if she's okay or if she wants something specifically. This morning when our friend Courtney watched her she told that she was coughing and Alaina was like "okay?" Like if she was okay? OMYGOSH! It melts my heart! She is such a character I can't even stand it.
She's such a daredevil! |
SIZE: She still wears size 4 diapers and I haven't weighed her in a while. She is between 18- 2t in clothes it depends on the clothes. I can sometimes get her in 12 months but sometimes they are too tight. I have put her in a onsie that was 6-12 months. I don't know clothes are crazy! Like I said IT DEPENDS!
Sleeping: This girl sleeps through the night still we "I" have been trying to put her bed earlier since it's getting dark at like 7:30ish already which makes me sad! I'm going to miss our long days. She still takes a nap in the afternoon it last about 2 hours sometimes even longer I think today she took a 3 hour long nap even with all the noise Sam was doing today. She is so good to us!
This is her "cheese" face! |
So, we got a new play set like 3 weeks ago and we have had so much fun with it. I finally took out our camera that is having some issues but still takes wonderful pictures today. We have enjoyed this set since the day we got it. Today, Alaina was just such a sweet girl I mean other than her mini tantrum she threw right before nap time she was such a sweetie pie. We went outside this evening and just hung out with our girl especially since we have been working on our home all day long. That's for another post!
Who can say no to this face? |
Doesn't she look so big? It makes me want to cry! |
She calls this little car her "car seat" haha
Sweet girl!
I can't believe that she will be two in 2 months! She is such a smart girl and I love every thing about her!
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