Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pre- Valentines Day!

For Valentines Day Sam and I had planned on going to Red Robin in Idaho Falls! I was talking to my mother one night and I told her our plans and she was like I'll send you guys a gift card for it. I was like NO! its okay you guys go ahead and use it but secretly I was like YES! WE WILL TAKE IT! haha but anyways she sent it to us and we got the card like last week!

Sam wants a wall mount for our TV and some slippers but since we are TRYING to save money for rent and other special things I have decided that I might not buy that for him until our next pay check! Anyways I haven't really figured out what I wanted yet! I think I had mentioned some things to Sam a few weeks ago I seriously can't remember a thing. Lately, I have been loosing my mind with school, dinner and work at 4 in the morning! I didn't think it would be that stressful but it kind of is. I feel like the day just passes by me before I know it and then the time hits 8 and its already for bed time.

Here is a picture of Beano because he is just a doll and makes our lives COMPLETE!

and a picture of US because we are Beautiful! 



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