Saturday, October 20, 2012


Hello all I suck at keeping up with my posts especially now that all I use is Sam's iPad. It's not that easy to blog on that because I don't have all the pictures on there and yada yada yada. Anyways, so Sam and I are doing GREAT!! Fall here is beautiful although the leaves are like everywhere and are flying everywhere as well but I suppose that's what is suppose to happen right?! So, as you all know my due date is like right around the corner like LITERALLY!! Freaking out a little bit!! OR A LOT!! haha but I think I am ready to get this over with. I kind of want to sleep on my belly so bad! Oh! and meet my sweet baby girl of course! I can't wait to have her in my arms already. Although I love being pregnant and feeling my baby move CONSTANTLY I am SO READY!! I am 38 weeks 2 days but I am going to post a picture of me being   37 weeks which shouldn't really be a BIG difference. 


I have noticed that I use exclamation points like they are my periods so excuse them all if YA'LL don't mind! (: 

I have also have been wanting to blog about our apartment but I want to have the house like super clean to take pictures but since I am a bit of a huge lady at this moment it's really hard to do everything. Anyways, so that will be coming soon or NEVER!! (: I have uploaded a picture of the babies room but I am pretty sure since I have posted it on Facebook everyone of you have already seen it. I'll still post a picture anyway! 

Isn't it precious!?! I still have to decorate the walls and it will be completely ready!

Speaking of babies room I have also wanted to do like 500 crafts and decorate the room BUT I just haven't done it. I hope I will have the energy to do it sometime THIS week! I'll let you know how that goes! 

A few weeks ago I was invited to go to the ZOO!! WHAT WHAT haha I haven't been to the Zoo in YEARS lit- er- ally!! It was loads of fun and I was actually surprised that I lasted a long time but when we were about to leave I was SO ready my feet were hurting and so was my belly. Anyways this is what we saw.. (Well my phone is being ridiculous right now and that's where all the pictures are so I will have to update later on) 

Last weekend Sam and I went on a walk like a 3 mile walk! YEUP! I totally walked that with a BIG OL' BELLY! It was tough but I made it. haha It really wasn't THAT bad it was just a bit too lonnnnggg. While we were on that walk we had a BRILLIANT IDEA to buy a freaking AWESOME camera it was Sam's idea actually because he was kind of sort of freaking out thinking I was going to have a baby and we didn't have a camera to take SWEET PICTURES!! SO WE JUST DROVE OUR LITTLE BUTTS TO THE MICROCENTER! 


Here's the Story..
A few weeks before we had taken a tour of the hospital that I will be giving birth and the hospital happen to have a Microcenter across the street GUESS who wanted to go inside?!? Yea my wonderful husband so he drags me in NOT REALLY I wanted to go in as well. Anyways we go to the computer area and run into the camera section oh we have been looking for a decent camera for the longest time and so we ask the guy to let us look at the Nikon V1 we literally fell in love and we were just loving every bit of it. We didn't buy it then but we sure did want too, we ended up getting it 2 weeks later. Let me tell ya it was NOT cheap! We have taken like a bunch of pictures of a lot of things! I'll show you... 

There might be A LOT of pictures of Beano so BE PREPARED!! (:

Halloween is like right around the corner and I have been wanting to decorate the house and make lots of things. Again with my excuses I just don't do it! Ugh I suck at making time for anything! Although, a couple weeks ago I did sew cute little booties and a cap for a friend! She just had her baby boy!! SO CUTE BTW! That is about all the crafts I have made and it wasn't even for my child! That's okay though I'll make some time THIS WEEK!

Today Sam and I went to work well I didn't work but Sam did and after that we went on a lunch date to Chili's! Do you know how long it has been since I have been to that place?!? Well it's been awhile it was delicious! After lunch we saw a Petsmart and decided to go inside because Beano our WONDERFUL DOGGY that you might see quite a bit on Facebook needed a new toy of course we go inside and see all these dogs and we literally couldn't go any further because we just thought Beano would love to be here to pick out his toy! We drive home which isn't that far and bring him back to Petsmart. We realized then that they were having a costume contest but I think we were  little too late to sign Beano up! He did get a lot of stares though which he always does because he is a good looking dog! haha So, since Halloween is like a week and 4 days away (please note that my child's due date is the 1st of November so I have been counting down the days) we decided to get him a cute outfit! I'll show you what he is! 


I have also recorded a few videos of Beano of course and we were thinking about sending 1 to AFV (America's Funniest Videos) if you didn't know (: 
Tell me what you think!!

(P.S. the videos might not work on Google Chrome but Internet Explorer and Firefox works good) 

I also thought that I would upload a video of both Sam and Beano running around our house like CRAZZZY PEOPLE!! 

That is whats going on in our life right now! I hope you enjoyed my EXTREMELY LONG POST!

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