Sunday, November 11, 2012

Our Sweet Baby Buns!

This week has been crazy! Sam and I had been impatiently waiting for our baby!  

Day 1 Sunday.
It started out Sunday when I woke up thinking my water broke I was super calm that morning and didn't get any contractions but something was coming out of me so I had to go to the hospital! We get to the hospital and I get sent to a room to get in a gown. As soon as I got into my gown there were like 4 nurses that came in and started things for me! It was a bit crazy because they had just started this new system on the computer and so people were confused and still learning so it took literally maybe an hour for them to get all my information in. Anyways they checked me to see if it was my water and it wasn't so we were sent home! 

Day 2 Monday.
Monday morning when I woke up to make Sam his lunch before work everything was normal when he left was when it went a little crazy. I went to the bathroom and had some blood coming out of me. So, I freaked and called Sam and he told me to call the doctor. When I did the doctor thought it would be a good idea for me to go to the hospital AGAIN! Sam had already arrived to work and he had to turn back and come get me!  I know terrible huh?! Anyways Sam gets to our home and we drive to hospital and we were thinking this is it we are definitely having our baby today! Nope wrong I was contracting but it wasn't close enough to be having a baby we were there all day and were so frustrated and hungry! We got sent home AGAIN!! The rest of the day I had pain all day I could barely walk straight I was in so much pain. I had contractions ALL NIGHT I didn't sleep at all and I didn't want to call the doctor again because the contractions were irregular and I didn't want to go back to the hospital and get sent home again!! 

Day 3 Tuesday.
I had a doctors appointment at 9:15am so we all got ready to go we even got there bout 20 minutes early. We get into a room and we were expecting GREAT NEWS! You know like hey you need to leave now your going to have a baby or your dilated at a 4 and you need to go to the hospital!! Well we didn't get that at all I had dilated at about 1 1/2 almost a 2 and I even told the doctor about my night and how I didn't sleep at all because I was in so much pain. She was already talking about inducing me Thursday and we were just not liking that idea at all. We wanted this baby OUT NOW! So, we leave the doctor and then all morning I had the WORST PAIN EVER!! I couldn't stand it I was having all types of pain but I wasn't crying yet so I didn't want to go to the hospital! Since it was voting day Sam and I went to go vote! As soon as we got home and ate lunch I started crying and couldn't stand the pain anymore so we go to the hospital for the 3rd time in a row! And they finally let me stay. They put me in a labor room and put the epidural in and I was the happiest woman ever! It was a life saver!! A few hrs later they broke my water and all we had to do was wait. The elections were on so it was quite entertaining to watch!! Anyways it was getting close to midnight and we were still waiting and waiting about 3 am the nurse came to check me and I was at 10cm! OMGOSH! it was time she was ready to come out! I pushed for an hour and she was out!!! It was the happiest moment of my life!! 

Alaina Nicole Snow was born on Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 3:44 am weighing 7lbs 3 ounces!! She was perfect and we couldn't have asked for anything better!

I am going to put up all our pictures that we have been taking of our sweet baby so be prepared to be in Awh! Sam and I are pretty much obsessed  with our baby so we take lots of pictures!!

First Day

She loves sleeping with her hands on her face! 

Grandma holding baby!

Close up while with Grandma!

Grandpa holding baby!

First night she came back from nursery all swaddled up and was pretty content!

Second Day!


We thought this was super cute!

Third Day!

When she got in the car seat!

When she got in the car! haha 

Close up again!

After she ate she slept.

Close- up again!

Grabbed Sam's finger and started sucking it! 

Fourth Day!

Sweet baby sleeps so cute!

Beano and Alaina just relaxing! (excuse the mess)


Snow Feet! (: 

So happy in her bassinet!


She is the sweetest baby ever!

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