Sunday, December 2, 2012

Count your Blessings!

Today, was super wonderful Why you may ask?!?! Well because my wonderful daughter had her blessing! ! Let me tell you how the day started. Well since my husband is the Secretary of the YM (Young Men) he had a meeting at 8:45. I really didn't want him to go and the reason why was because he was already running late. He ended up being 15 minutes late YA HE SHOULD OF STAYED HOME!! As soon as he left you know Alaina my wonderful child started FREAKING OUT! She was crying and she just wasn't having it! I was getting super nervous because I didn't want to be late for church and I had to tend to her and I still needed to get ready for church! I was like seriously you have to freak out RIGHT NOW!?! Anyways, so my wonderful sister in law Kristy came to my door and was like do you want me to take her? and I was like YES PLEASE!  I got ready and we left for church! Good thing Alaina loves her car seat and loves car rides because she was calm on the way to church and as soon as we got there!

We were so blessed to have family in town to witness our daughters blessing and to just be here with us! We are also blessed to have wonderful friends to help us out! 

Pictures are coming your way! My husband might have already posted some on FB but we definitely have more so just look at them!! (: 

Jeancarlo and Chelsea had their baby almost 2 months ago and they blessed their child today as well! Their baby is also exactly 1 month older than ours! (: 

Tia wanted to hold the baby before she left today and Sam was just taking pictures like crazy!

Beano wanted some attention as well! (: 

Isn't she just the most beautiful baby ever?!?! <3

I shouldn't have asked that question because I already know she is!! (:

Alaina had a very good day today she slept pretty much the whole day and let mommy and daddy take a nap!! It was wonderful! She also had a bath and looked so precious that I had to take pictures!

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