Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

This year we got to spend Christmas with Sam's sister Kristy and her precious family and it was wonderful. The plan was to get there on Friday the 21st but it ended up snowing like CRAZZZZY that night and it would have been a rough 6 hr drive to Virginia! So, we decided to leave the next morning I was still a little worried though because I thought the roads would still be nasty and scary but nope I was wrong the roads were clear and we got there safe and sound.

This is how bad it was. 

Oh and we are officially Ohioans! Well at least our car is. 


As soon as we got there Kristy made us some delicious cookies. She baked all weekend long and it was seriously wonderful!

On Sunday morning  Kristy and her family went to church while Sam and I stayed at home and relaxed! Sam took pictures of their family by the tree before church!

So cute!

Then they left and Sam took pictures of Alaina looking all cute in her pink outfit!

Sunday night we did ornaments which were so much fun! 

And by the look on Alaina's face it doesn't look like she had fun. haha

The kids loved making ornaments!

Poor baby she had her head down while we were trying to make her print on the dough. 

On Christmas Eve, it snowed. Sam and I and Tia went to the mall to do some last minute shopping it was CRAZY! We  couldn't find a parking spot that's how bad it was. When we got home the boys were playing in the snow! Then they had to get ready for lunch but Baron decided to stay outside and play so I took some pictures!

Then we had our Christmas dinner for lunch it was delicious! Right before we decided to go rest Sam and I took pictures by the tree looking all cute and what not with out beautiful child. 

We then went to go lay down for a bit and relax! Around 7:30 we decided to open our Christmas Eve presents and take pictures! 

Alaina was sound asleep when we opened our Christmas Eve presents! So we didn't get to take pictures that night!

Christmas morning was wonderful! I woke up to feed Alaina at 5 am and no one was awake I couldn't believe it! We ended up sleeping in until 8!! Crazy huh?!? Anyways here is how it all went down!

Santa came!

Look how excited they are?! So cute!

Baron showing us his Raindeer and Owen got a BIG CUTE ELEPHANT!

Ruby got a new chew toy! Too bad it only last about 20 minutes before she broke it!

Alaina woke up all happy on Christmas!

Those are her cute Christmas jammies!

I may look a little rough but Alaina loves this thing! She has been falling asleep to it every night since we got home!

Sam and I in our aprons!

 Kristy, Tia, and I in our cute aprons!

The kids got an air hockey table and were so excited!!

We had to leave on Christmas day because Sam had to get to work the next day but good thing we left because the next day we had a BLIZZARD!! Sam had to come home early from work that's how bad it was!

Beano loved the snow! 

I hope you had fun looking at my beautiful daughter she is growing up so fast!
Loved being able to spend Christmas with family! I hope you had a Merry Christmas! 

That is all for now! (: 

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