Monday, March 18, 2013

Dallas: Day 3

Monday Sam and I woke up with Alaina around 7am Sam and I were super tired but Alaina was wide awake and wanting to play! We were so not up for playing so I decided to feed her and take her to my mother who would happily play with her while Sam and I slept!! haha It was nice having some extra hands! We woke up like around 11 I know it's a little late but we just needed some sleep! Alaina ended up falling asleep with my mom too! 

Anyhoo, the night before Sam went to the store to get some rice cereal and some other stuff we needed so we decided to give Alaina a good lunch! I got some cute pictures! You are going to DIE!! I also got a video but that takes too long to load so I'll just stick to pictures! (:

She's like what is this?!?!

Oh it wasn't so bad after all!

 I'll eat better on daddy's lap!

See I told you

Sweet girl!

I know the picture is blurry but its the only one when she's like going for the spoon!!

 Love her big eyes!

Sam and I have been wanting Alaina to start sleeping unswaddled but it's been impossible but while we were in Dallas that little girl just decided to sleep anywhere and in anyway!! Here take a look!


Sam somehow put her to sleep and he NEVER gets her to sleep like he never could not that he never tried! He was like I don't know why you think putting her to sleep is so hard! I was like are you kidding me she is never this easy!! haha

Later that afternoon we went over to Farrah's house she was having a cookie party in honor of Henry's baby blessing! Sam invited Dan and he came. Ugh! I wish I had taken pictures we just weren't thinking the first few days we got there! 

We left around 10 and went to bed as soon as we got home! That was it for that day! Oh and Alaina slept very well that night too! I think she slept through the whole night!


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