Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dallas: Day 4

Tuesday was one of those chill days! We went on a walk to the park and came back around noon. It was a little windy that day and Alaina just didn't know how to take it since we don't go outside much because it's cold in Ohio! She just kept taking big breaths and would get a scared look on her face! I got a picture of it a few days after I'll have to show you!

Look how cute they are!! 

 After that we decided to go visit Sam's grandma! On our way I realized that we were passing by one of my favorite places!! TC Shaved Ice!! If you're from Texas you know what I am talking about the one across the street from the Garland High School that sells corn in a cup! We had gone by it earlier on that week and it was closed super disappointed except I kind of knew it was going to be closed when we went by it the first time because from what I remembered they were never open during the winter. We went by it Tuesday and it was OPEN!! I was super happy we had to find a bank to get some cash because they ONLY accept cash! So, we get cash and get some shaved ice and some corn in a cup! I'll show you a picture because corn in a cup doesn't really sound that exciting BUT IT IS! well to me :) 

Let me tell you what's in it. 
- corn
- butter
- mayonnaise
- chile
- chile powder

I have been craving this since I was pregnant and that was like almost 5 months ago!! So glad I finally got it!

We get to grandma's house and we have a good chat! I am upset though because we didn't get to take a picture with her! Ugh I suck at this whole taking pictures thing even though we bought a really expensive camera I should have been taking pictures like it was my job!


That was it for day four! 


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