Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dallas: Day 5

Wednesday was another one of those chill days! My mother went to pick up my grandma (dads mom) and she made Mexican gorditas! Delicious! Here if you don't know what they are I'll post a picture!!

I didn't take a picture of what I ate but this is similar! Ours were filled with beans or with meat!

We ate and then laid in bed! We started on a new show while we were there it's called House of Cards! LOVE IT!! (it's on Netflix) Anyways, I don't remember going anywhere that day! Oh wait yes we did. Sam and I went out without the baby! I think it was like the first time Sam and I just went somewhere together BY OURSELVES! Guess where we went?!?! WALMART haha It had to be the grocery store! When we got home my niece Alexis and her mother were there coming to say hi to us well mostly the baby! haha Alexis's mom left and she stayed!

That afternoon my friend Anndrea Cortez came over to see Alaina and I wanted to see her baby girl I hadn't seen her since she was born which was almost 2 years ago! Crazy how time flies! We had a good chat for a few hours!

Later that night my cousin Rita and her husband Pallin came over to say hi and they ate some gorditas that my grandma made! It was nice seeing family! AGAIN I didn't take pictures I am so terrible!

That was it for that day!


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