Sunday, March 17, 2013

Valentines Day 2013

The week of Valentines Day our sink had to back up like literally backed up! We didn't get maintenance in until Thursday afternoonish! and he didn't get done until like 3 or 4. Anyways, my plan was to make some delicious dessert because I mean you have to have some sweets right?!? Well that didn't happen but my wonderful husband did come home with a big bouquet of BEAUTIFUL flowers, cow tales, and CHIPTOLE!! Ya he definitely knows how to get into this girls heart! I also dressed Alaina up for V-Day with a pink shirt and some cute white pants with hearts on them. She sure is a sweetheart! (:

Holding her first flower!!

 So happy to have a flower on her ear!

The next day she wanted to take a picture with my flowers while I was folding clothes! (: 


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