Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Alaina's 1st Birthday Party!

On November 2nd I decided to have Alaina's birthday party due to the fact that there was so much going on in November. Our friends the Helbergs nicely said that we could use their place for the party because we have so much stuff at our place and it would seriously be crazy! Very grateful they let us use their home! As you all know I have posted a lot of things on FB about what I had made and stuff I didn't get to decorate all the stuff I wanted because it just got too late haha and it was sort of stressing me out. I have come to realize that I get stressed out so easily. I think big events kind of scare me.

Anyways, we ate pizza and  drank soda,we pulled the pinata strings, opened presents and ate some seriously yummy cake!! That's the order we did it too.

Cupcakes I made with the cutest toppers 

Cake topper I made and my good friend Colleen made this yummy most beautiful cake ever! Thank you! 

She didn't want to pull the strings on the Pinata 

Love Jayden's face. 

The 2 only girls at the party helped Alaina get a goody bag! 

Opening presents...

James gave her nerds and all she wanted after that was to open the box. 

Then we brought out the present Sam and I bought her and she took off! 

Cake time!

Obviously Sam didn't want to get too close to me haha 

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful baby ever! Although her birthday isn't until Thursday so more pictures to come then! (: 

Thanks everyone who came it was fun!

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