Thursday, November 7, 2013

Alaina's 1st Birthday!!

Today is my sweet Alaina's birthday! I seriously can't believe it has been a year! When people say it goes by so fast it REALLY GOES BY SO FAST! I always thought it was annoying when people said that because it was said to me all the time but it's true! Alaina said "bye" this morning to her grandma on Face Time. It was seriously the cutest thing ever! I love this stage that she is going through she understands a lot of course she still doesn't take me seriously when I say NO to her. She just turns around and gives me a blank stare then starts laughing like I didn't yell at her! She really has a great personality. She recently started walking like a week ago she finally started taking steps and she's gotten better. She isn't walking full time yet though when she wants to go somewhere fast she gets on legs and starts to crawl! We got a little piano with a seat on it the other day from our friend Colleen and she has been a musician ever since! She doesn't find the seat very helpful so she stands. She's gotten pretty good with the keys!


  • I take Alaina to the doctor next Monday so we will see how big she has gotten since I took her to the doctor a couple months ago! I hope she has gained weight. It looks like it at least. We gave her milk like a month ago! 
  • Alaina has been sleeping though the night since she was 7 months old! I know i'm super lucky! I sure do love my sleep! 
  • She has become a major talker lately. She is so funny! She whispers to herself it's really interesting! The other day I was telling her to eat her chicken nuggets OUT OF NOWHERE she screams out with this SASSY attitude that she is not wanting any chicken nuggets! My friend Chelsea was there and we were just cracking up! 
  • Alaina does this ridiculous thing with Beano's food. She grabs his food then puts it in his water bowl! ISN'T THAT AMAZING?!? NO! I mean it was funny at first but then it got quite annoying because if the food sits in the water for a while it dissolves into teeny tiny pieces then Beano doesn't drink out of it so I have to clean out Beano's water bowl and get him some new water! I know it doesn't seem like a real problem but if you're doing it multiple times a day it really get's old! 
  • OMYGOODNESS.. Today, Alaina finally learned how to suck out of her new cup I got her a while back it has a straw instead of the sippy one kind. Our friends Kjersti and her son Jayden were over and he has the "new cup" and Alaina kept wanted to take it away from him so I go and put milk in hers and she just sucked away! I was impressed and so happy because I only had one of the old sippy cups and I had to clean it all the time!
  • Alaina still loves Beano way more than he does! I mean secretly he loves her because he licks her all the time. He just doesn't like it when she climbs on him! Oh Alaina loves sharing her food with him I think that's another reason why he loves her because she gives him all of her food! Sometimes she just drops things when she is in her high chair because she knows that he is standing right there to pick up the scraps! 

Alright I'm done! 


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