I'm going to start this new milestone thing... I got it off a friends blog and I wish I had started it when Alaina was a baby baby!
Sleep: I hate to brag but I have had a wonderful baby sleeper! She's been sleeping through the night since she was about 7 months old! You heard me right! We sleep trained her! It has be the most wonderful thing ever. I'm hoping for my next baby we have a great sleeper as well! She usually goes to sleep between 7:30-8:00PM and she wakes up at 9:00AM. If she goes to sleep around 7:15PM she will wake up at 7:15AM. It has been a killer when she does that for me because she usually wakes up at 9. For naps She takes a morning nap for about 1 1/2- 2hrs and for her second nap it's usually and 1hr or an 1hr 1/2 it really depends!
Size: The other day we weighed this big belly baby and she weighs about 21 pounds! I seriously can't believe how big she's gotten. She also has this cute little belly going on. She has been in size 3 diapers since like 6 months, but I think she is growing out of them after this batch of diapers that I just bought a week ago is gone we are going straight to 4s! I might even start potty training! She's been very interested in toilets! haha
Food:We have a picky eater on our hands! I mean she isn't that bad but she doesn't like trying new things! She knows where the snacks are in our pantry and she hits the door several times to tell me she wants some snacks! I'm trying really hard to keep her from snacks because is she eats too many snacks she doesn't eat dinner. Let's talk about what she does eat:
Ham Graham Crackers any type of crackers
Cheese Cheerios I can't think of anything else..
Toast Vanilla Yogurt Ice Cream
Pancakes Grapes Anything chocolate
Cinnamon rolls Snap peas lolly pops
Gold fish Veggie Straws popcorn
Popcorn Chicken Tortilla Chips
Chicken nuggets (Wendys) Marshmallow
I guess she isn't so bad after all! She is such a joy!
Milestones: Alaina is an official runner now! She just runs and runs around the house! I wish we could go outside to the park now that she's walking but it's like -1 degrees here in the great state of OHIO! She says lots of words like shoes, hola, buh bye, six (which sounds like something else haha), up,dabba dabba doo, I can't think of anything else but for other things she just points and grunts!
Other important things:
She has this attitude that sometimes I put her in time out! It's nothing major I just tell her that she is going into time out because of so and so and I set her on the couch! If you saw the attitude that she's giving me you'd be like yea put her in time out! haha She is a major sweetheart when she wants to be like sometimes she grabs her blanket and asks for me to pick her up and she lays on my belly and watches cartoons with me. It's seriously the sweetest thing and other times when she just wants to do what I am doing and she literally does the same thing that I do!
Alaina is very independent she will strive to accomplish what she wants!Which is a good thing but sometimes I need her to need me haha She's just growing up so fast I can't get over how old she is already.
She is also a MAJOR girly girl!! She loves shoes, necklaces, bracelets, and sunglasses. Oh goodness we are going to have an expensive girl on our hands when she grows up! She also loves music and Barney! Anything with music on she will dance! Seriously the sweetest and cutest thing!
She really isn't as chubby as this picture makes her look!
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