Thursday, March 27, 2014

Alaina is 16 months!

I can't believe my sweet little witty baby is 16 months! Except that she's not so little anymore. She is so big I can't believe it!! She's actually going to be 17 months really soon! So this post is crazy late! I have not been good at keeping up with my blog!

P.S. I may have overused the word "cutest thing ever" on everything! :) Just be prepared.

This was taken March 5th before we left for Dallas!

Sleep: My sweet girl has been sleeping through the night for a while now never fails except when she's sick which she was last week for the first time ever! For naps it kind depends like earlier this week she was taking 2 naps perfectly fine and just going to sleep so easy. So since today she was not a big fan for naps she was awake for a really long time and she screamed for like 20 whole minutes before she finally went down! haha she's crazy! On the weekends she takes 1 nap. Like I said before IT DEPENDS! :)

Size:  My little Lani pants is in size 4 diapers. I was in denial for a while because it clearly says on the diaper box the weight for the child that can wear them. Size 3 says 16-28. I don't think Alaina weighs more than 28lbs but her little booty was not being covered by size 3 anymore we just had to move up. I didn't take her to the doctor for her 15 month check up so I have no idea how shes doing with weight and height and what percentage she is. We will have to see when we go in for her 18 month check up.

Food:  Lately, she's been pretty good at trying anything we put on her high chair. Last time I made an update about my sweet girl I named a lot of things. She will almost eat anything with ketchup on the side. She's so funny!

Milestones: Alaina has been amazing lately. She listens to me when I ask her to go get her blankie or her cup or anything really. She like puts her head down a bit and she starts searching for whatever I asked her to find it's seriously the most amazing and cutest thing I have ever seen. She says "BYE" like crystal clear!! She says giggle giggle giggle. I just am amazed of everything she can do these days and I LOVE it! She does a lot of stuff these days I just can't remember everything!

Other important things: Well Beano is still her best friend she will give hugs and kisses to Beano more than she will to either Sam or me. She will grab his face and just put her lips up against his.. like I'm not kidding it's the cutest thing ever! Recently she just started to give kissed to Sam and I. I think it was last Saturday when we were at Steak and Shake Sam just told her "NO" for something Oh I remember she was "trying" to get water in the straw then take the straw out and put it in her mouth. Let me tell you she was making a HUGE mess! So he told her no and she just turned towards him and gave him a big kiss on the mouth! It was the cutest thing ever! It almost made me cry because she has been avoiding kisses since day 1! It made me so happy!

I am one happy momma!

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