Thursday, March 27, 2014

Valentines Day 2014

This year for Valentine's Day. We didn't do much. I stayed home and dressed Alaina in some cute heart outfits. I also tried to take pictures... as you can see I didn't succeed with anything wonderful! She is a moving toddler and I couldn't get a still picture with this child. It was kind of frustrating! I gave up and just took whatever I could get! :)

I love this girl and I couldn't have asked for a better Valentine besides my husband.

Sam did bring home some delicious Chipotle and the first two seasons of FRIENDS! Yea, if you know me I'm like OBSESSED! I watch it every night even if I saw the episode the night before. Nick at night has it on from 11PM-1:30AM haha Idk how I know that but I do! :) Oh and if I have nothing to watch from 10PM-11PM then CW has it on for me haha! Oh goodness I have loved FRIENDS since forever ago! I still get emotional when I see the last episode. haha

As you can see we couldn't go outside because it had been snowing!!! :/

Excuse all that Beano hair!! :)

These are my Valentine Pictures that are SUUUPER late! :)

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