Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Major Update.

It has been forever since I last blogged. I have been a bit lazy to get on my computer now that I have the iPad Mini. All I ever do on my computer is do the program for church and lot of primary stuff that I have to do on Word. Anyways, I have a lot of stuff to talk about so if I start rambling on then I'm really sorry! :)

Alaina is now 16 months!!!! I know can you believe it?!? I can't she is such a sassy girl! I will make another post about my sweet girl. I have so much to update that she needs her own post! 

Anyways, in January we found the home that we have been waiting for... EEK! So we decided to make an offer. It's a short sale and our Realitor told us it had taken months before the bank responded but wait.... Our realitor called like mid February and was like lets get this going!! Now we are in March and we have to close before or on April 4th! We need to be out of our townhome at the end of this month because I really don't want to pay a months pay when we really won't be here! We are so stressed out!

Wednesday March 5th we went to Dallas Texas! I know it was seriously wonderful. We loved having no snow on the ground and having 50-70 degree weather!! Alaina had never been on concrete since it had been too cold and snowing so she was in heaven! We came home with a few bumps and bruises but she was totally fine. When we came back to Ohio all she wants to do is go outside she literally cries her little eyes to go outside. It actually hasn't been so bad outside. Sam took her outside yesterday too bad it was raining today because it would have been a good day. 

I think that's it for an update. When I post about Alaina there will be pictures so wait for them. 


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